

The CIOB’s CPD policy is changing, with a new focus on ethical practices to support the ongoing culture change in construction. Caroline Gumble explains.
CIOB正在调整我们的持续专业发展(CPD)政策,突出道德实践的重要性,以顺应建造业当前的文化变革,CIOB全球CEO Caroline Gumble表示。



The CIOB’s CPD policy is changing, with a new focus on ethical practices to support the ongoing culture change in construction. Caroline Gumble explains.
CIOB正在调整我们的持续专业发展(CPD)政策,突出道德实践的重要性,以顺应建造业当前的文化变革,CIOB全球CEO Caroline Gumble表示。


As we move towards the end of a very busy year, I want to look to next year and one of the changes CIOB is making to continue supporting our members and progress in the industry.

Members will be aware that undertaking CPD – continuing professional development – is a mandatory part of chartered membership with CIOB. Members might also be aware that we have been examining our CPD policy this year under the leadership of a working group sitting within the Professional Standards Committee.
会员们都清楚,参与持续专业发展活动(CPD)是CIOB对特许会员的一项强制性要求。会员们可能也都了解,今年,在专业标准委员会(Professional Standards Committee)下设工作组的领导下,我们一直在审视我们的持续专业发展政策。

The outcome of their work has resulted in more structure and focus around our CPD requirements. The working group found a ‘common principle’ that no matter what your role in the industry, ethical practice is a universal and uniting theme and the need to reflect on the ethical implications of learning in practice is common to all professions.

Therefore, the change to our CPD policy is to require members to focus on the ethical aspects of any learning they undertake. Ros Thorpe, CIOB’s director of education and standards, gives an excellent example of why this is important and how to put it in context. She offers the example of a surgeon learning a new technique for heart surgery. Although the learning may be very technical in nature, it also requires that the doctor is able to outline any risks to the patient and to be clear where this type of surgery would and would not be beneficial.
因此,我们对持续专业发展政策作出调整,要求所有会员不论从事哪方面的学习,都要关注学习的道德意义。CIOB教育和标准主管Ros Thorpe通过一个很好的例子,说明了上述调整以及如何在具体的实践中贯彻这种调整的重要性。这个例子是这样的:外科医生正在学习心脏手术的一种新技术,虽然这种学习从性质上看是属于技术性的,但它也要求医生能够概述这种技术可能给病人带来的风险,并清楚采取这种手术方式可能带来的利弊。

This is applying learning ethically in practice, requiring the practitioner to think about the implications of what they have learned.

Construction’s culture shift

Part of the rationale behind this is to support members in playing their part in construction’s culture shift, with a drive towards professionalism and a focus on the delivery of quality.

This move aligns with the values of ethics and leadership which are a commitment all CIOB members make and follows the ‘moral compass’ theme of our current corporate plan and the focus on ‘modern professionalism’ which is at the heart of our next plan.

The CPD required of members during 2023 allows for learning activities which build on ethical practice through reflective learning. It will also enhance the image of this important industry and help drive individuals towards a more professional standing. Watch this space for details on how CIOB will be supporting this move in the next few months.

Caroline Gumble is CEO of CIOB
CIOB CEO Caroline Gumble 谨上